Schaefer, J.
Ideengeschichtliche Verwandtschaft: Von Hans Reichenbachs Berliner Gruppe 1927-1932 zum IIfTC 1982-2022
Norderstedt 2022.
Lohff, B., Schaefer, J.
Cardio-Physiology Challenging Empirical Philosophy: Three Essays
Norderstedt 2022.
Schaefer, J.
Überwiegend Glück gehabt. Lebensgeschichtliche Annäherungen an ein noch nicht existierendes und sich entwickelndes Fachgebiet der Medizin - Vorschule der Kardiologie oder die Faszionation der Herzmechanik. Erlebt und erzählt von Jochen Schaefer
Norderstedt 2020.
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J.P., Drake-Holland, A., Noble, M.I.M., Lohff, B., Schaefer, J.
Rediscovery of Otto Frank's contribution to science.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 119: 96-103 (2018) (with supplemental materials).
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J.P., Schaefer, J., Wilder, N.
Mechanosensitivity: From Aristotle's sense of touch to cardiac mechano-electric coupling.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (B) 130: 126-131 (2017).
Noble, M.I.M., Schaefer, J., Drake-Holland, A.J., Lohff, B., Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J.
Translation of Otto Frank's paper: "Die Arbeit des Herzens und ihre Bestimmung durch der Herzindicator" (Vorgetragen am 29. November 1898. Sitzungsbericht Gesell. Morphol. Physiol. 14: 147-156).
Scottish Cardiological Forum at Glasgow 2017, Poster Presentation.
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J., Lie, R.K., Schaefer, J., Wilder, N.
Reassessing Diagrams of Cardiac Mechanics: From Otto Frank and Ernest Starling to Hiroyuki Suga.
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59(4): 471-490 (2016).
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, J., Schaefer, J.
Das Druck-Volumen-Diagramm des Herzens im Wandel der Zeit.
21. Treffen der Ostsee-Physiologen 12./13. Oktober 2016 in Kiel (lecture given on October 13, 2016).
Schaefer J., Kuhtz-Buschbeck J.P.
Earliest (?) observation of mechano-transduction in publications of Otto Frank (1895) and Carl Lüderitz (1880).
MEC 2016 7th International Workshop Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias, Freiburg, Germany, 21-24 September 2016 (Poster 39).
Schaefer, J., Lohff, B., Dittmer, J.J.
Review. Carl Ludwig's (1847) and Pavel Petrovich Einbrodt's (1860) physiological research and its implications for modern cardiovascular science: Translator's notes relating to the English translation of two seminal papers.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 115: 154-161 (2014).
Kralemann, B., Frühwirth, M., Pikovsky, A., Rosenblum, M., Kenner, T., Schaefer, J., Moser, M.
In vivo cardiac phase response curve elucidates human respiratory heart rate variability
Nature Communications 2013, 4: 2418, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3418.
Schaefer, J., Lohff, B., Kenner, T.
Carl Ludwig & Pavel Petrovič Einbrodt and Mechano-Electric Coupling
Poster, 6th International Workshop on Cardiac Mechano-Electric Feedback and Arrhythmias, Oxford 12-15 September 2013, Cardiac MEC and Arrhythmias 2013.
Kralemann, B., Lattmann, C.
The Semantics of Models: a Semiotic Philosophy of Science Approach
in: K.-D. Schewe, B. Thalheim (eds.): Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases. 5th International Workshop SDKB 2011, Zürich, Switzerland, July 3, 2011. Revised Selected Papers, Berlin: Springer 2013 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7693), 50-69.
Lattmann, C.
Icons of novel thought. A new perspective on Peirce's definition of metaphor (CP 2.277)
Semiotica 2012, 192: 535-556.
Kralemann, B., Lattmann, C.
Models as Icons: Modeling Models in the Semiotic Framework of Peirce's Theory of Signs
Synthese 2012 (Online First), DOI: 10.1007/s11229-012-0176-x, 26 pp.
Schaefer, J., Nordmann, K.-J., Schöttler, M., Schwarzkopf, H.-J., Lattmann, C., Deppert, W.
Gelebte Interdisziplinarität. Kardiologie zwischen Baltimore und Kiel und ihr Vermächtnis einer Theoretischen Kardiologie. Herausgegeben und erzählt von Jochen Schaefer unter Mitwirkung von Klaus-Jürgen Nordmann, Michael Schöttler, Hans-Joachim Schwarzkopf, Claas Lattmann und Wolfgang Deppert
Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig 2011.
Kralemann, B., Rosenblum, M., Pikovsky, A.
Reconstructing phase dynamics of oscillator networks
Chaos 2011, 21: 025104.
Kralemann, B., Cimponeriu, L., Rosenblum, M., Pikovsky, A., Mrowka, R.
Phase dynamics of coupled oscillators reconstructed from data
Physical Review E 2008, 77: 066205.
Kralemann,, B., Cimponeriu, L., Rosenblum, M., Pikovsky, A., Mrowka, R.
Uncovering interaction of coupled oscillators from data
Physical Review E 2007, 76: 055201(R).
Schaefer, J., Kralemann, B.
The plausibility-trap. An essay on problem-orientated acting in cardiology
Avicenna 2(3): 3-12 (2003).
Köther, K., Kralemann, B., Lattmann, C., Dittmer, J. J., Deppert,
W., Schaefer, J.
Predicting the Course of the AIDS Epidemic - lessons learned. An epidemiological analysis with strong implications for future public health policy
Avicenna 2(2): 22-32 (2003).
Deppert, W., Köther, K., Kralemann, B., Lattmann, C., Martens, N., Schaefer, J. (eds.)
Selbstorganisierte Systemzeiten. Ein interdisziplinärer Diskurs zur Modellierung lebender Systeme auf der Grundlage interner Rhythmen
Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig 2002.
Schaefer, J., Deppert, W., Kralemann, B.
Das Risikofaktorkonzept in der Medizin: Kritik, Probleme
und Grenzen seiner Anwendung
in: Breckling, B., Müller, F. (Hrsg.): Der Ökologische Risikobegriff.
Beiträge zu einer Tagung des Arbeitskreises Theorie in der Gesellschaft
für Ökologie vom 4.-6. März 1998 im Landeskulturzentrum
Salzau (Schleswig-Holstein), Frankfurt am Main 2000 (Theorie in der Ökologie,
Bd. 1), S. 191-202.
Schaefer, J., Nierhaus, K. H., Lohff, B., Peters, Th., Schaefer, T.,
Vos, R.
Mechanisms of autoprotection and the role of stress-proteins
in natural defenses, autoprotection, and salutogenesis
Medical Hypotheses 51: 153-163 (1998).
Lohff, B., Schaefer, J., Nierhaus, K. H., Peters, Th., Schaefer,
T., Vos, R.
Natural defenses and autoprotection: Naturotherapy,
an old concept of healing in a new perspective
Medical Hypotheses 51: 147-151 (1998).
Burkhoff, D., Schaefer, J., Schaffner, K., Yue, D.T. (eds.)
Myocardial Optimization and Efficiency, Evolutionary
Aspects and Philosophy of Science Considerations Darmstadt - New
York 1994 (Supplement to Basic Research in Cardiology, Vol. 88, Suppl.
2, 1993).
Schaefer, J., Deppert, W., Lie, R.K., Lohff, B., Noble, M.I.M.
Historical note on the translation
of H.P. Bowditch's paper: "Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der
Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen" (On the pecularities
of excitability which the fibres of cardiac muscle show)
in: M.I.M. Noble and W.A. Seed (eds.): The Interval-Force Relationship of
the Heart, Cambridge University Press 1992, pp.31-39.
Schaefer, J., Deppert, W., Lie, R.K., Lohff, B., Noble, M.I.M.
Translation of H.P. Bowditch's
paper: "Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche
die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen" (On the pecularities of excitability
which the fibres of cardiac muscle show)
in: M.I.M. Noble and W.A. Seed (eds.): The Interval-Force Relationship
of the Heart, Cambridge University Press 1992, pp. 3-30.
"This volume is the first to look in detail at the important relationship,
initially studied in 1871 by Bowditch, between the strength of a heart
beat and the interval between beats. This neglected topic is now seen
to provide a key to unlock the mysteries of excitation-contraction coupling
and has important implications in advancing our understanding of the
functioning of the heart. The book draws together the work and experience
of leading international research workers in this field. It also includes
an English translation of the original German paper by Bowditch describing
his experimental study of this topic. Collectively, the contributors
illuminate the underlying mechanisms involved in interval-force events,
and their expression in both isolated muscle and the intact heart. They
also speculate on further avenues of research which will help to reconcile
some of the remaining controversies."
Deppert, W., Kliemt, H., Lohff, B., Schaefer, J. (eds.)
Wissenschaftstheorien in der Medizin. Ein Symposium
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York 1992.
Wissenschaftsphilosophen, Wissenschaftstheoretiker und Ärzte (Kardiologen
und Herz-Kreislauf-Physiologen) beschäftigen sich in diesem Band
unter anderem mit folgenden Fragestellungen:
- Strukturen medizinischer Theorien
- Läßt sich die Medizin reduktionistisch verstehen?
- Was heißt medizinischer Fortschritt?
Deppert, W., Lohff, B., Schaefer, J.
The interdependence of Paradigmatic Shifts and Normal
Science: Three Examples in the Field of cardiovascular Science.
J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 23: 395-402 (1991).
Sagawa, K., Lie, R.K., Schaefer, J.
of Otto Frank's Paper: "Die Grundform des arteriellen Pulses"
Zeitschrift für Biologie 37: 483-526 (1899). A collaboration
J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 22: 253-277 (1990).
With an editorial comment by A.M. Katz
J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 22: 254 (1990).
Schaefer J., Lie, R., Sagawa, K.
Paradigm shifts in cardiology: A re-examination of
Otto Frank's contributions to cardiac mechanics
Proceedings of The 9th International Conference and Satellite Symposium
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 93-94.
Schaefer, J., Lie, Reidar K., Deppert, W., Burkhoff, D.
Historical review: some reflections on Bowditch's
original work, a philosophy of science point of view, and implications
for present research on force-interval relations
Cardiovascular Research 22: 585 (1988).
Schaefer, J., Lie, R.K., Kenner, T., Franz, M., Schaffner,
K.F., Burkhoff, D., Sagawa, K., Yue, D.T.
A place for theoretical cardiology
Basic Research Cardiology 82: 317-318 (1987).
Schaefer, J., Kenner, T.
Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Theoretical
eds.: Jochen Schaefer and Thomas Kenner
Theoretical Medicine, Vol. 7 (1986).