Colloquia and Workshops

June 21, 1999, Kiel at the International Institute for Theoretical Cardiology, 24159 Kiel-Schilksee
International Colloquium with James R. Thompson, Noah Harding Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, Texas
Topic: "Dennis Bregman's* predictions and the course of the AIDS epidemic in the United States of America"

Local organizer: Jochen Schaefer

September 14, 1998
at the occasion of the "Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Dokumenation und Statistik", September 13-17, 1998, Bremen
Discussion between Ron Brookmeyer, Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Janke Jörn Dittmer, Cambridge University, Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, Bremer Institut für Präventionsforschung und Sozialmedizin, University of Bremen, Jochen Schaefer
Topic: "Insecure Science"

Local organizer: Rainer Frentzel-Beyme

June 13, 1992, Frankfurt.
Brainstormmeeting of the IIfTC
Topic: "Problems of 'Measurement of Success in Rehabilitative Medicine"

Local organizer: Jochen Schaefer

June 2, 1988, Tübingen
International Erwin-Riesch-Symposium at the University of Tübingen. Workshop in memory of Otto Frank under the auspices of the IIfTC
"Evaluation of Cardiac Contractility"

Local organizer: R. Jacob

Following the suggestion of Kiichi Sagawa at the occasion of his visit to Berlin, June 05-08, 1988, after the symposium in Tübingen, a translation of Otto Frank's "Die Grundform des Arteriellen Pulses" into English was begun as a cooperation between Reidar K. Lie, Kiichi Sagawa and Jochen Schaefer. It was published as: "Translation of Otto Frank´s Paper 'Die Grundform des Arteriellen Pulses' Zeitschrift für Biologie 37: 483-526 (1899). A collaboration between Kiichi Sagawa, Reidar K. Lie and Jochen Schaefer" (Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 22, 253-277, 1990), with an editorial comment of A.M. Katz (Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 22, 254, 1990).

April 29, 1988, Guildford and Midhurst Medical Research Institute and Henry VIIth Hospital, Midhurst
Combined meeting with the British Society for Cardiovascular Research
Lecture: "Historical Review: Some Reflections on Bowditch's original work: A Philosophy of Science Point of View, and implications for present Research on force-interval relations"

Local organizers: Angela Drake-Holland, Mark I. M. Noble

For this meeting a translation was of Bowditch's original paper "Über die Eigenthümlichkeiten der Reizbarkeit, welche die Muskelfasern des Herzens zeigen." [On the pecularities of excitability which fibres of cardiac muscle show] (Berichte der Königlich-Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-physische Classe, 1871, 23, 652-689) into English was prepared. A complete translation with commentaries was worked out together with W.A. Seed und M.I.M. Noble. For the first time in the English language it has been published in the book "The Interval-Force Relationship of the Heart: Bowditch revisited", edited by M.I.M. Noble und W.A. Seed, Cambridge University Press 1992.

November 22, 1988, Baltimore, Maryland
Second Colloquium of the institute at the Johns Hopkins University, the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Topic: "Controversies surrounding the definition of myocardical contractility"

Februar 17, 1987, Baltimore, Maryland
First Colloquium and Second General Assembly of the institute at the Johns Hopkins University, the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Cardiovascular Group
Topic: "Methodology and definition of cardiac contractility"

* Dennis Bregman, Ph.D., was Director of Statistics, Viral Diseases, AIDS Activities, and the National Morbidity and Mortality Disease Reporting (MMWR) Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, from 1975 to 1986. He died on 28 May 1999 in consequence of a heart attack.

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