Program of the Second Symposium of the IIfTC

"The Action Potential and the Electrocardiagram. Theories, Controversies, and New Approaches"

November 21, 1987  
Morning session: Methodology and basic mechanisms (Chairman: J. A. Abildskov)
9.00 Welcome and Introduction
Michael Franz, Stanford University
9.10 Epistemology and the heart beat: Some foundational problems in electrocardiology
Jochen Schaefer, IIfTC Bad Orb, Germany
Wolfgang Deppert, University of Kiel, Germany
Reidar K. Lie, East Carolina University
10.10 Reducing uncertainty in practical estimates of cardic activation and recovery times
Robert L. Lux, University of Utah
11.00 Atrial repolarization/refractoriness
Nadia Debbas, St. George's Hospital, London
11.30 Insights concerning cardiac fibrillation
J. A. Abildskov, University of Utah
12.00 Origin of ischemic injury currents: the calcium connection
William T. Clusin, Stanford University
12.30 Walk to Falk Cardiovascular Research Building (CVRB)
12.40 Luncheon, CVRB
Afternoon session: The forward solution of the electrocardiogram (Chairman: Nancy Flowers)
13.30 Dispersion of refractoriness and T wave abnormalities
Jan Amlie, Oslo University
14.00 A ventricular envelope model
Leo Horan, Medical College of Georgia
14.45 Correlation between epicardial action potential and body surface maps
Nancy Flowers, Medical College of Georgia
15.30 Ventricular action potential mapping and T wave genesis
Michael R. Franz, Stanford University
16.15 The effect of cardiac electrical anisotropy of intracavitary, epicardial and extracardiac electrograms and potential fields
Bruno Taccardi, University of Utah
17.00 Summary and concluding remarks
Michael Franz and Jochen Schaefer, IIfTC, Bad Orb
17.30 Shuttle to Hotel Sofitel
19.00 Dinner at Sofitel Hotel

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